Document guide

This list describes some of the common documents we use in our quality system


Production plan is a document that describes the plans for a specific production.

Assignment specification describes scope for an order of work for hire, where Artmann Media isn’t responsible for whole or parts of the production.

Model release is a signed document for cast & extras in the production that describes terms for publishing and copyright.

Copyright agreement is a signed document that describes terms for the creative copyright for an individual person in the crew.

Agreement for contractor is a signed document that describes the assignment for a subcontractor or supplier, including economical copyright.

Employee contract for individuals that are hired in the production and doesn’t have a company for invoicing.

NDA is a non disclosure agreement where all information about the production need to be handed as confidential, instead as company internal that is normal. 

General terms and conditions for all type contracts for deliver of services and/or products from Artmann Media, if not otherwise specified.

Proposal for specific services and/or products. Valid for a limited time period and for a specific customer.

Order & order confirmation for agreed services and/or products. These two documents are mandatory for all orders. May refer to proposal, assignment specification and/or production plan.

Invoice & Reminder are the requests for payment according to the terms in the order confirmation.

Delivery note specifies what is included in the delivery for an invoice.

Time report specific time spent and by who for an invoice